Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Promise

Recently, a missionary that my church supports visited with us and preached a very good (and very loud) sermon. I loved it. He spoke on the trials of being a Christian, because in America, we don't see them like other countries. He spoke on what we as Christians need to remember and how we show others the love of Christ in ways other than evangelizing.

I cannot say the man's name or his location because it is such a highly volatile country. However he mentioned a belly dancer in his country during the sermon. Naturally I perked up. He was talking about something I loved. I never expected this passion to be discussed in the church. I was excited and I wanted to hear whatever it was he had to say about the woman.

Her taxes, in 2008 were $750,000. I was floored. He told us that his ministry would rejoice with that kind of money. He told us how, for a brief period of time, he asked God, why does a belly dancer get that, but those doing His work do not. He then remembered, that God provides the things that we need. He had to remind himself that God will give the ministry the things that they need to continue doing his work. He continued on with stories of how they still do the work of God. How Muslims in the country are finding God, through dreams that they are having. The underground work that is happening in the Muslim nations is truly remarkable.

After his sermon, I got the chance to talk to him. I told him that I was a belly dancer and we had a fun, though short conversation. He told me that the dancer he was talking about made $4 million last year. I was floored. I do not think that I will ever make that in a year. I would be happy to see that in my life.

Now I am determined.

I prayed right then. I don't usually make promises to God like "If you do this for me...then...." They are superficial, and I won't do them. We shouldn't give God ultimatums. Still I prayed. I made a promise to God and mostly to myself. If I did start making a living with this, start really providing for my family with my dance (which I am determined to do), I will send money to this  missionary. I will take what I need for us, and my goal is to send half of my income to him. From a belly dancer, to Man of God.

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