Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Shock and Awe

I hosted my first ever workshop this past weekend at the studio I am teaching. The instructor was the woman who taught me how to dance. The subject was veils.

This is the third time I have taken this particular workshop. I learn something new every time and I love it every single time. However my favorite part this time around was not the education, it was not watching Dawn's was seeing and hearing the reactions from my students.

As Dawn showed them how to work double veils, a feat that takes a lot of upper body strength and a fair amount of spinning, I could hear the awe that my students were expressing.

*oh wow*

I couldn't help but smile. Many of them had never seen a belly dancer in the flesh really working her magic, and here they were getting to see one of the best (I might be bias, but nobody does veils better than Dawn). I was so proud of them. I was so happy to be able to provide them with this opportunity.

I also hope that one day (soon hopefully) I can inspire the same kind of awe during one of my workshops.

I have two more big events this month; a festival, in which I will be performing and teaching and a Burlesque workshop that I am hosting. My prayers, as I plan for these events, is that this month is indicative of things to come in my dance journey -

Awe Inspiring.

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